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3 Answers

Student Pilot with a felony conviction

Asked by: 10978 views Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot

I'm a private pilot and I'm working on my CFI-S light sport airplane. I have a question concerning a potential student that approached me the other day. We had been talking about flying and my plans to become an instructor when he explained he's always wanted to become a pilot. He went on to disclose that he's had a felony conviction in the past on a marijaunna charge. He wanted to know if this would exclude him from recieving his certificate. So.... ? does a drug charge exlude someone from the aviation club?

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3 Answers

  1. MaggotCFII on Dec 16, 2011

    Just some info -the FAA Med Certificate Application, requests info on “History of non-traffic conviction(s) (misdemeanors or felonies).  No idea what an AME would do here – however, you can bet there would be a follow-up by OK City.
    Next, your post CFI-S student should determine if the State in which he lives has a means to obtain a “Pardon from the Governor”.  The pardon should take care of the conviction.  Generally, these programs are managed by the Pardons Board in a State.
    I know of one flying person that has taken advantage of the Pardon process.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Dec 16, 2011

    As you are pursuing a Sport Flight Instructor certificate, then your potential student is likely seeking a Sport Pilot certificate.  As such, he needs no medical certificate.  He would need to possess a valid driver’s license.  If he wishes to progress beyond the Sport Pilot level, I would suggest he discuss the medical issue with the Regional Flight Surgeon in his region.
    He needs no pardon.  14 CFR 61.15(a)(1) states that he may not apply for a certificate within 1 year of the date of conviction.  After 1 year, he may apply for and be issued a pilot certificate.  See also, Order 8900.2, Chapter 7, Section 2, Paragraph 26, which directs the DPE to not conduct a practical test unless 1 year has passed since the date of final conviction.

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  3. n on Dec 19, 2011

    Felony conviction for pot, gotta love America! Lmao

    +5 Votes Thumb up 8 Votes Thumb down 3 Votes

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