Flying with a Disibility what are my options
Asked by: Don Sharp 4304 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot
My current medical synopsis has the VA Veterans Administration has me diagnosed with 90% combat related disability due to TBI Traumatic Brain Injury. This condition manifests in some (not all) short term memory loss, which mostly appears to the outsider as age related moments, just a little more than normal.
I have read CFR 63. 307 and it does not reference my condition as a "disqualifier", but my conscience tells me differently. The last flight for me was 1980 with under with my PPL in hand and I have never have my medical revoked, but again my last class (3) was again in 1980.
I took a flight with an instructor last week and he indicated I have a few rusty areas to clean up, but fundementals looked solid.
So, am I splitting hairs with regaurds to CFR 67 ?
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