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PLEASE help me with these weather charts!

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General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

I am ABSOLUTELY stuck on answering the questions below for the attached weather charts. PLEASE help :(

About what direction and speed is the wind blowing at the station in extreme southern Texas?

1.       Using the other charts, which general direction is the Low pressure over Kansas going to move in the next several hours? Explain your answer.

2.       Would you expect there to be gusty winds in Colorado? Why or why not?

3.       Approximately what altitude is the freezing level forecast to be during the 24 hour forecast for Southern IL?

4.       Would you expect thunderstorms to happen in Southern Illinois during the forecast period? Why or why not?

5.       Do the H and L symbols correspond to the H and L symbols on the surface analysis chart? If so, how?

6.       What is the difference between the stations with stars vs. squares vs. circles?

7.       Why do we use the 850mB chart?

8.       Why do we use the 500mB chart?

9.       What is significant about the circles that are filled in vs. hollow circles in the station models?

10.   For the two station models in SD, would you expect there to be clouds? Why or why not?

11.   At about what altitude would you expect the freezing level in Central, IL (over KSPI)?


12.   What is the lifted index? K index? What do each tell you?

13.   Does this chart indicate where thunderstorms will be? Why or why not?

14.   Does 7/-1 (depicted in Florida) indicate stable or non stable conditions?

15.   Does what you see in this chart change your answer to question 5?

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2 Answers

  1. Brian on Nov 17, 2011

    Greetings Amanda,
    Sounds like you have a bit of research ahead of you. Part of learning to be a pilot involves pretending you can learn to be an expert in eight different areas of science at once. In this case, meteorology. Becoming an expert is probably a bit out of reach of course, but you can learn some basics. Have a read through two chapters out of the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge:
    Chapter 11 – Weather Thoery
    Chapter 12 – Aviation Weather Services
    I’m quite certain these two chapters will answer all of the questions you’ve posted and more. 

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  2. Abdel Shabazz on Nov 26, 2011

    There is a book that used to be published by ASA, called Aviation Weather Services Explained. I believe you can find a used copy on Amazon. It provides even more explanation, in case you are having difficulty understanding the content in the FAA Aviation Weather Services (AC 00-45E) book.

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