Recently re-instated CFI/CFII taking on two new students with solo flight experience.
Asked by: Bill Corcoran 6051 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I recently went through a CFII re-instatement which re-instates my CFI/CFII certificates. It's been about 10 years since I worked as a full-time CFI/CFII. I now have two student pilots both with solo experience and endorsements from a previous CFI. Both of their respective solo endorsements are expired (greater than 90 days ago). If I understand correctly in order for them to solo again I have to:
1. Give them the appropriate flight training as per FAR 61.87(c)
2. I also need to administer a pre-solo written test/review of the test as per FAR 61.87(b)
Assuming that I'm correct so far, despite the fact that my students have had some dual cross-country flights but no solo cross-country flights I am going to have to give them dual cross-country flight instruction in order to endorse them for initial Solo cross-country flight, and subsequent solo cross-country flights as per FAR 61.93(c)(1) and FAR 61.93(c)(2) respectively. If they are flying solo in the same make and model that's endorsed on their student pilot/medical certificate do they need another endorsement from me on the student pilot/medical certificate? Sorry for such a detailed question, just want to do everything appropriately and professionally. Thanks!
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