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Recently re-instated CFI/CFII taking on two new students with solo flight experience.

Asked by: 6051 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot

I recently went through a CFII re-instatement which re-instates my CFI/CFII certificates.  It's been about 10 years since I worked as a full-time CFI/CFII.  I now have two student pilots both with solo experience and endorsements from a previous CFI.  Both of their respective solo endorsements are expired (greater than 90 days ago).  If I understand correctly in order for them to solo again I have to: 

1.  Give them the appropriate flight training as per FAR 61.87(c) 

2.  I also need to administer a pre-solo written test/review of the test as per FAR 61.87(b)

Assuming that I'm correct so far, despite the fact that my students have had some dual cross-country flights but no solo cross-country flights I am going to have to give them dual cross-country flight instruction in order to endorse them for initial Solo cross-country flight, and subsequent solo cross-country flights as per FAR 61.93(c)(1) and FAR 61.93(c)(2) respectively.  If they are flying solo in the same make and model that's endorsed on their student pilot/medical certificate do they need another endorsement from me on the student pilot/medical certificate?  Sorry for such a detailed question, just want to do everything appropriately and professionally. Thanks!


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2 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 07, 2011

    You don’t say how long it has been since the student pilots have flown.  If their solo endorsements lapsed recently then perhaps an evaluation flight could be performed to satisfy you that they are competent.  The flight would be a dual instruction filght covering all pre-solo maneuvers and could be logged as such.  This should satisfy the requirements of 61.87(n)(2) and 61.87(p).  If there is a copy of the pre-solo test that was given by another instructor and the make/model has not changed, then 61.87(b) would be satisfied.  However, I would review the test with the student to determine that he/she still knew the material.  If you feel the need to administer another test, go ahead.  In reviewing the previous test, you may see that areas you would have tested were not addressed.  It is up to you.
    If it has been a long time since the students training lapsed, then certainly the evaluation flight would still be performed and would form the basis for you to address specific areas in which the student did not perform as would be expected.  The required training would then be given to satisfy you that the student is capable of safely operating the aircraft in solo flight.
    I would have the student plan a cross country trip and then go fly it dual with them.  Again, this will afford you the opportunity to assess the student’s strong and weak points and address the areas that need more work.  If there is no solo cross country endorsement, then I would definitely make sure that all required training is given and logged prior to issuing the endorsement.
    If the student is still training in the same make/model, and has an endorsement on the back of the student pilot certificate, there is no need for you to duplicate that.  The documentation of training you will be giving will reside in the student’s logbook and in your logbook as well.
    Good luck

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  2. MaggotCFII on Dec 10, 2011

    Last January had a question going on:
    “61.89(a)(8) Limitations added to Student Pilot Endorsements”
    Might be some useful information there for you.
    One add-on I alwasys use is a requirement for 14 day currency.

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