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2 Answers

SIM Time Logging

Asked by: 12690 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor

Ok i know how to log the time as a student but as the CFI preforming Duel in a sim are we required to log time and if able to log in what spots?


Im guessing FTD and in CFI spots if so?

Also can hood time be logged in the sim if a student is using it? i have gotten to many different answers on this one from CFIs back when i was getting my Instrument...

Anything that points to regs would also be great so i can see it and read it :D


Thanks guys

2 Answers

  1. JamesCFI on Oct 01, 2011

     You are not required to log ANY time, however if you are looking for a aditional rating or logging your 200hrs given, it might be a good idea.  As for what spots, it’s just in the dual given colum.

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  2. Wes Beard on Oct 02, 2011

    The only time you are allowed to log is dual given.  You also cannot log this time for the purpose of more certificates or ratings on an 8710.  I originally thought the sim instructor time can count towards meeting the requirements for the chief instructor or assistant chief instructor at a 141 school but the regulations §141.35 and §141.36 specifically state “flight time”.  This time for the instructor does no good except for a resume.  
    To answer you question with FARs.  Most pilots log total flight time in their logbook in compliance with the definition of flight time in §1.1.   Notice the words “in an aircraft” meaning a flight simulator or flight training device does not count.  Other pilots log total pilot time (see ATP requirements) which allows logging of flight time plus simulator and flight training device time.  See §61.1 for definition of pilot time.  Training time includes flight time and SIM/FTD time which is logged as dual received. (§61.1).  Dual given is the same value and is what goes into the flight instructor logbook, if they wish.
    The instructor cannot log FTD time per §61.51(e)(3) as it states “flight time”

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