100 hour inspection being overflown
Asked by: Aaron Hanson 16924 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation
It says in FAR 91.409
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no person may operate an aircraft carrying any person (other than a crewmember) for hire, and no person may give flight instruction for hire in an aircraft which that person provides, unless within the preceding 100 hours of time in service the aircraft has received an annual or 100-hour inspection and been approved for return to service in accordance with part 43 of this chapter or has received an inspection for the issuance of an airworthiness certificate in accordance with part 21 of this chapter. The 100-hour limitation may be exceeded by not more than 10 hours while en route to reach a place where the inspection can be done.
My question is, can the time it takes to reach a maintenance location (up to 10 hours) be used for hire such as flight instruction? Or does the first statement mean, no matter what, you cannot overfly a 100 hour inspection?
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