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3 Answers

Reinstate CFI by adding sport pilot rating?

Asked by: 5933 views Flight Instructor

I have an expired CFI with ASMEL and IA ratings. Will adding a sport pilot rating to the CFI reinstate my certificates?

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3 Answers

  1. John D. Collins on Jul 30, 2011



    You pose an interesting question.  The best advice is to make a call to your local FSDO and ask them. The FAR’s come close to answering your question, but don’t clearly pin it down. 61.427 reads:

    “What must I do if my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating expires?
    You may exchange your expired flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating for a new certificate with a sport pilot rating and any other rating on that certificate by passing a practical test as prescribed in §61.405 (b) or §61.183 (h) for one of the ratings listed on the expired flight instructor certificate. The FAA will reinstate any privilege authorized by the expired certificate.”


    61.199 reads:

    “Sec. 61.199
    Reinstatement requirements of an expired flight instructor certificate.

    (a) Flight instructor certificates. The holder of an expired flight instructor certificate who has not complied with the flight instructor renewal requirements of Sec. 61.197 may reinstate that flight instructor certificate and ratings by filing a completed and signed application with the FAA and satisfactorily completing one of the following reinstatement requirements:
    (1) A flight instructor certification practical test, as prescribed by Sec. 61.183(h), for one of the ratings held on the expired flight instructor certificate.
    (2) A flight instructor certification practical test for an additional rating.


    What may muck this plan up is that with a flight instructor rating one can  exercise the priveleges of a Sport Pilot Instructor rating and that may mean that it is not an additional rating:

    “Sec. 61.429

    May I exercise the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating if I hold a flight instructor certificate with another rating?

    If you hold a flight instructor certificate, a commercial pilot certificate with an airship rating, or a commercial pilot certificate with a balloon rating issued under this part, and you seek to exercise the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, you may do so without any further showing of proficiency, subject to the following limits:
    (a) You are limited to the aircraft category and class ratings listed on your flight instructor certificate, commercial pilot certificate with an airship rating, or commercial pilot certificate with a balloon rating, as appropriate, when exercising your flight instructor privileges and the privileges specified in §61.413.
    (b) You must comply with the limits specified in §61.415 and the recordkeeping requirements of §61.423.
    (c) If you want to exercise the privileges of your flight instructor certificate in a category or class of light-sport aircraft for which you are not currently rated, you must meet all applicable requirements to provide training in an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft specified in Sec. 61.419.”

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Jul 31, 2011

    You can ask the FSDO, and their answer would be interesting, but the most important person to ask is the examiner you’re going to take the reinstatement ride with, because THEY have to submit the paperwork, and if they won’t, I don’t care what the FSDO says it ain’t going to happen.
    The likely way it goes is the examiner calls THEIR FSDO contact and then at least you’ve got them all colluding to make it work for you if Oke City does reject it.
    If you want a definitive answer the FAA’s General Counsel is the only one that can give one, accept no substitutes (and by that I also mean regional counsels who have been known to have trouble interpreting the regulations they enforce).

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  3. Christopher Ryan on Sep 09, 2011

    I have always understood that they can ask you to show and do anything thing if you are rated for it. So if you were trying to do says you MEI and you had your cfi/ii they could ask you to do an approach if they thought you couldn’t do it. Is it a required item no but if they thought you couldn’t do it, they could as you to do one.
    Correct me if i am wrong but that’s what i have always understand.

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