Consolidated list of glider-related FARs available?
Asked by: LTCTerry 5375 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Hi, new here. I am an Army officer stationed in Germany. I added a glider rating to my ASEL, MSEL, and IFR before coming here in January. Flying on a winch with a German club has been a blast! I arrived with 6 hours glider time and now I have 25! That's 97 flights since I started glider training in December. Next month I will be in England for a three-day aerobatic course!
I have decided that I want to pursue a CFIG when I get home next spring and I'll fly as a volunteer instructor with the "local" CAP glider group (2-1/2 hours away from home).
Does anyone know of a consolidated list somewhere of FARs related to glider flying? I don't mind looking myself, but I'm lazy enough to want to "work smarter not harder" since my life is pretty busy.
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