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4 Answers

Expired FAA Instrument rating, how to renew outside usa?

Asked by: 9315 views Instrument Rating


I am an Indian citizen, I have trained in miami, USA. I hold a  FAA CPl/IR/MER/CFI and my last flight was in July 2009 and technically my IR has expired and also I am due to get a Bi-annual check, but I got my CFI renewed thru FIRC online. 

Now, that I am offered a job here in the Indian sub continent I am asked for an FAA IR current,can you please suggest me on getting my IR current and also please suggest me if I can still convert FAA license to local WITH OUT VISITING USA and fly commercial without getting Bi-annual check on it. 


Please enlighten me.

4 Answers

  1. Pat Flannigan on Jun 27, 2011

    According to 14 CFR Part 61.57, you must have an instrument proficiency check. Take a close look at the regulation though, you just might be able to get this done in India.


    (i) An examiner;
    (ii) A person authorized by the U.S. Armed Forces to conduct instrument flight tests, provided the person being tested is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces;
    (iii) A company check pilot who is authorized to conduct instrument flight tests under part 121, 125, or 135 of this chapter or subpart K of part 91 of this chapter, and provided that both the check pilot and the pilot being tested are employees of that operator or fractional ownership program manager, as applicable;
    (iv) An authorized instructor; or
    (v) A person approved by the Administrator to conduct instrument practical tests.

    (2) The instrument proficiency check must be given by–

    I think you should call somebody at the Miami FSDO and see if there is a way to find somebody in India whom the FAA has or can approve. It’s worth a shot.
    Another option is to try to find somebody in India who has a current FAA issued CFI and is willing to give you an instrument proficiency check.

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Jun 27, 2011

    You appear to have problems. If this Web page is correct, you need some recency of experience on your FAA license to convert.
    You can obtain that experience in an N-number aircraft with FAA certified instructors outside of the United States – but I have no idea how easy that would be – I’m guessing not very easy.
    This Web site may or may not be accurate – but if it is – there’s a whole bunch of stuff to be done.

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  3. John D. Collins on Jun 27, 2011

    You should be able to regain instrument currency of your US pilot certificate with an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC). If you require a Flight Review, you should complete that as well.  Your flight instructor must hold a US pilot and instructor certificate with Instrument on both certificates in order to conduct the IPC.  The Flight Review doesn’t require the instructor to have instrument privileges on their instructor certificate.  If you can find a local instructor that has his/her US ratings that are still current, then you should be able to obtain currency of your US certificate.  You would also need to have a current US medical to be able to exercise the privileges using your US pilot certificate.


    What you have to do in your country to obtain satisfactory certificates is a matter you should take up with the Indian aviation authority.



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  4. Alex on Dec 02, 2012

    Hy need some informations if pass more than 6 months I need to rewiew mi ir I. A plane or is enough at the simulator ,and the col mep and sep to be current is mandatory to maintain current witha biennial flight review right?? If so it must be done with an instructor or flight examiner??to build hour and maintain all this where is possible for no us citizen work like CFi or like pilot where build hours also with no type on aacc and minimum training hrs???is possible in some school doing CFi course and then have a jobe? Are there some school send you f1 visa to join this position ???

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