VFR limited aircraft in VMC flying under IFR
Asked by: football betting 12669 views FAA Regulations, Helicopter, Instrument Rating
Can an aircraft who's POH limitations section says it is authorized for Day & Night VFR legally fly under IFR while in VMC if the aircraft meets all of the part 91 IFR requirements, such as having all the equipment (i.e. GRAB CARD), an IFR certified GPS with a current database, recent VOR checks; Pitot/Static checks, etc?
The reason I ask is 61.65 (e) (2) (ii) requires a XC tirip under IFR with a flight plan. My school uses R44's for the instrument training but the POH limits the aircraft to Day & night VFR.
It is enough of a gray area that most instructors at the school only do the 1 flight required to meet the aeronautical experience under actual IFR (and, again, in hard VMC). The rest of the simulated instrument training is under VFR.
I expect this to make the transition to "real" IFR, even if in VMC, more difficult due to the lack of experienc with real ATC clearances and communications.
Thanks for your thoughts.