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3 Answers

Questions for a commercial pilot, about their career

Asked by: 11729 views Commercial Pilot

How well does ones eyesight need to be to be a commercial pilot? Are you a commercial pilot... if so, how many years did you go to college? Do you think all of the college was worth it? do you still enjoy your job? how much of your time is spent flying? do you fly the same route all of the time? How many years have you been flying? When did you find out you wanted to fly planes? what is one of the bad things about being a commercial pilot? what would you say is the ratio for girl commercial airplane pilots to boy commercial airplane pilots? what is your name? If you are not a commercial airplane pilot please don't answer these questions, and if you know a commercial pilot that could answer these questions how could i contact them? if you are a commercial airplane pilot great! but if you don't want to answer any of these questions that's okay.


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3 Answers

  1. James MacGregor CFI on Apr 03, 2011

      Hey Robin,
    I’m guessing this is for some kind of school assignment??
    How well does ones eyesight need to be to be a commercial pilot? 
    Short answer as long as your vision can be corrected (glasses, lasik etc) you are fine.
    Are you a commercial pilot… if so, how many years did you go to college?
    2 years, non-aviation degree, NO one cares about college, just your flying experience (how many flight hours you have and in what type of aircraft and what type of flying)
    Do you think all of the college was worth it?
    For aviation, NO
    do you still enjoy your job?
    I love my job, I have a passion for what I do and strive to be a artist in my profession, example every landing I still find challenging as I step up my standards for myself every time.
    how much of your time is spent flying?
    Currently 100 flight hrs a month, give or take
    do you fly the same route all of the time?
    No, not the type of flying I do
    How many years have you been flying?
    All in just under 4 years
    When did you find out you wanted to fly planes?
    I have a photo of me at maybe 2 yrs old sitting on my dads lap flying his aerocommander
    what is one of the bad things about being a commercial pilot?
    It isnt easy to make the big bucks or even become a employable pilot unless you can separate yourself from the rest. You have a great deal of freedom on how you go about getting ahead in your carrer, so if you cant think out of the box you’re going to have a hard time making good money or having a fun job.
    what would you say is the ratio for girl commercial airplane pilots to boy commercial airplane pilots?
     Not many women in aviation, hear some on the radio but I dont know all that many.
    what is your name?
    Think it is on my post

    +4 Votes Thumb up 4 Votes Thumb down 0 Votes

  2. Wes Beard on Apr 04, 2011

    How well does ones eyesight need to be to be a commercial pilot?  FAR Part 67 deals with medical requirements for airmen.  A commercial pilot is required to possess at least a second class medical.  This medical requires 20/20 distant vision corrected and 20/40 near vision corrected. 
    Are you a commercial pilot… if so, how many years did you go to college? I am a commercial pilot and have a graduate degree in aviation.
    Do you think all of the college was worth it? do you still enjoy your job?  I think the education was worth it from a knowledge standpoint.  From getting a good jpb in the aviatoin field, it helps only a little.
    how much of your time is spent flying? do you fly the same route all of the time?  I typically fly 10-20 hours a mounth.  As a corporate pilot, the routes always change.
    How many years have you been flying? When did you find out you wanted to fly planes?  I have been flying for 10 years now.  I wanted to learn to fly when I was twelve years old. 
    what is one of the bad things about being a commercial pilot?  Time away from your family is the worst thing.  Living out of a suitcase may not be for everyone nor a hotel room.  Things to consider when deciding to become a professional pilot. 
    what would you say is the ratio for girl commercial airplane pilots to boy commercial airplane pilots?  It’s been my experience that one in twenty are female pilots.

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  3. yogesh kumawat on May 15, 2014

    how much should i get in 10th and 12th class? and what should i do after passing 10th class?

    0 Votes Thumb up 0 Votes Thumb down 0 Votes

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