Questions for a commercial pilot, about their career
Asked by: Robyn 11729 views Commercial Pilot
How well does ones eyesight need to be to be a commercial pilot? Are you a commercial pilot... if so, how many years did you go to college? Do you think all of the college was worth it? do you still enjoy your job? how much of your time is spent flying? do you fly the same route all of the time? How many years have you been flying? When did you find out you wanted to fly planes? what is one of the bad things about being a commercial pilot? what would you say is the ratio for girl commercial airplane pilots to boy commercial airplane pilots? what is your name? If you are not a commercial airplane pilot please don't answer these questions, and if you know a commercial pilot that could answer these questions how could i contact them? if you are a commercial airplane pilot great! but if you don't want to answer any of these questions that's okay.
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