Any restrictions to not charging for flight instruction?
Asked by: Greg 9180 views Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
Hi - I have a friend who will soon be a CFI. Eventually (after gaining some instructor experience) we would like for him to act as my instructor for my IFR training. He is a friend of more than 10 years, and I helped him financially in his initial/primary flight training for his private pilot ticket before his VA benefits kicked in. Since then he's done commercial and multi and is about to finish his CFI work. So, he'd like to "pay me back" so to speak by being my IFR instructor once he gets to that point in his training career.
Also important to note is that I own my own airplane and would receive any training in my own aircraft, so there's no commercial third party providing an aircraft for training in this case.
A couple questions: Can he provide flight training to me, in my own aircraft, for free? If he is also working as a CFI for a flight school under part 141, can he still train me (under part 61 and outside the 141 program)? I would think the insurance covering him as a CFI would be something to consider carefully, especially in the 141 school provides his insurance. Can the 141 school restrict him for providing training outside their program?
As a follow-on question, I plan to get my CFI eventually but only to train on the weekends and I'd like to train my stepson (he asks regularly and I say to be patient, that someday it will happen). So, a similar situation will come up with him at some point, only perhaps less complicated in nature - as I will obviously not want to charge him money for instruction in my airplane.
There might be other things to consider, as well. Please feel free to fill in any blanks or point out things I'm not bringing up that matter in this case. Thanks!
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