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2 Answers

Cessna 150 Performance

Asked by: 9747 views Private Pilot

What is the short field take off speed and lift off speed for a Cessna 150?

Understood the best angle of climb speed must be used for  soft field take off, right?

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2 Answers

  1. MaggotCFII on Mar 21, 2011

    The answer to your question is in the Private Pilot PTS: (See #5)
    Objective. To determine that the applicant:
    1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to a soft-field takeoff andclimb.2. Positions the flight controls for existing wind conditions and tomaximize lift as quickly as possible.3. Clears the area; taxies onto the takeoff surface at a speed consistentwith safety without stopping while advancing the throttle smoothly totakeoff power.4. Establishes and maintains a pitch attitude that will transfer the weightof the airplane from the wheels to the wings as rapidly as possible.5. Lifts off at the lowest possible airspeed and remains in ground effectwhile accelerating to VX or VY, as appropriate.6. Establishes a pitch attitude for VX or VY, as appropriate, andmaintains selected airspeed +10/-5 knots, during the climb.7. Retracts the landing gear, if appropriate, and flaps after clear of anyobstacles or as recommended by the manufacturer.8. Maintains takeoff power and VX or VY +10/-5 knots to a safemaneuvering altitude.9. Maintains directional control and proper wind-drift correctionthroughout the takeoff and climb.10. Completes the appropriate checklist.”
    Vx or Vy would depend on the take-off/departure environment.

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  2. MaggotCFII on Mar 21, 2011

    OOPs! Got a bit ahead of things
    Here is the Private Pilot PTS Short Field Task for your first question:
    Objective. To determine that the applicant:
    1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to a short-field (confinedarea ASES) takeoff and maximum performance climb.
    2. Positions the flight controls for the existing wind conditions; sets theflaps as recommended.
    3. Clears the area; taxies into takeoff position utilizing maximumavailable takeoff area and aligns the airplane on the runwaycenter/takeoff path.
    4. Selects an appropriate take off path for the existing conditions(ASES).
    5. Applies brakes (if appropriate), while advancing the throttlesmoothly to takeoff power.
    6. Establishes and maintains the most efficient planing/lift-off attitudeand corrects for porpoising and skipping (ASES).
    7. Lifts off at the recommended airspeed, and accelerates to therecommended obstacle clearance airspeed or VX.
    8. Establishes a pitch attitude that will maintain the recommendedobstacle clearance airspeed, or VX,+10/-5 knots, until the obstacle iscleared, or until the airplane is 50 feet (20 meters) above the surface.
    9. After clearing the obstacle, establishes the pitch attitude for VY,accelerates to VY, and maintains VY, +10/-5 knots, during theclimb.
    10. Retracts the landing gear, if appropriate, and flaps after clear of anyobstacles or as recommended by manufacturer.
    11. Maintains takeoff power and VY +10/-5 to a safe maneuveringaltitude.
    12. Maintains directional control and proper wind-drift correctionthroughout the takeoff and climb.
    13. Completes the appropriate checklist.
    As I recall the Vr is 55 MPH,  Vx for the 150 is 70 MPH and the Vy is 76/78 MPH.

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