FAA Test: VOR Question
Asked by: kyleusher@gmail.com 17271 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot
On the Private Pilot Written Test
Question #3561 states
(REFER TO FIGURE 25 and Figure 29 in the Private Pilot Supplement)
The VOR is tuned to the Bonham VORTAC (area 3) and the aircraft is positioned over the town of Sulpher Springs (Area 5). Which VOR indication is correct?
A. 7
B. 1
C. 8
I have marked that the answer is A VOR #7 but this VOR does not have a TO/FROM symbol in any supplements that I have seen. TO me that would make it seem like it is not receiving a signal from the VOR Facility
Or is it because since the town and the VOR to Sulpher Springs are close enough that it is in the process of switching on the TO/FROM indicator?
Why is it VOR #7?
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