Short Field Landing Vspeeds
Asked by: Matthew Beyer 13924 views General Aviation, Private Pilot
The PTS and 'guidance' for a short field landing is to use 1.3Vs0 "in the absense of one published". I looked through my POH's for Arrow, Archer, C152, C172, C182 and it seems like only my Cessna POH's mention a short field landing final approach Vspeed (full flaps...), but the Pipers do not. I also noticed that all 3 Cessna POH numbers for Short Field Landing are all 10kts higher than a 1.3Vs0. Does this mean 1.3Vs0 is way too slow for Cessna's but 1.3Vs0 is ok for Pipers? Does it mean I should use 1.3Vs0 for Pipers and use POH for Cessna's since it has something written down? I am in training for my initial CFI and want to find guidance on 'how to best teach' short field with a good understanding of the appropriate final approach speed for different aircraft. Thanks
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