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Soliciting Feedback on Radio Call at NTA
Asked by: Dutch 29 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Student Pilot
Looking for feedback from CFIs and their students:
- If you were flying patterns at Hondo Regional (a non-towered airfield) and heard the following radio call, what path would you expect that aircraft to fly? “Hondo traffic, Texan 21, 3000 feet overhead the field, descending for left traffic runway 31, Hondo traffic.”
- Same question except “Hondo traffic, Texan 21, 3000 feet overhead the field, descending direct left base runway 31, Hondo traffic.”
A few months ago, I posted a similar question regarding position reporting flying simulated engine-out patterns at a NTA. Thanks to those who responded. Looking back, I think this is a better way to ask the question.
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