Private Pilot part 91 SIC for hire
Asked by: pilotman140 1528 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot
I am interested in your response.
In FAR 61 sub. E no person who holds a Private Pilot Certificate may act as Pilot in Command PIC of an aircraft for compensation or hire.
What about a person who holds a Private Pilot Certificate and is in the SIC position. Can this person be compensated or for hire? FAR part 91 King Air 200. Our company GOM requires a two Pilot Crew which supersedes the FAR, which the King Air only requires one Pilot. I am not the Private Pilot Certificate Holder I am an ATP Certified Pilot. Our company has two foreign pilots who hold an FAA Private License with a Foreign License. Hope this clarifies.
In order to be a part of ISBAO the company must comply with a GOM for the company. It is not approved by the FAA, but it does exist and is approved by the company, with rules that are more restrictive than the FARs.
I see some of the responses as to the King Air 200 is not required to have an SIC. I understand Required to mean that this Aircraft can be flown Single Pilot. Required to me does not mean this Aircraft Must Be and can only Be flown Single Pilot, without anyone occupying the SIC position. If a part 91 operator wants the security of a two Pilot Crew in a plane not requiring two pilots they are allowed to operate a two Pilot crew.
The regulation now on who can occupy the SIC position says a minimum license requirement is a Private Pilot License. I understand this to mean a owner or anyone not for hire can occupy the SIC position.
Also having a GOM regulations for how the company will operate even though not approved by the FAA. I think the FAA would look at and the Lawyers would say it definitely has relevance and regulatory responsibility.
Thank you for the interesting responses.
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