Logging xcountry time?
Asked by: Gyouska90 859 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Hey all I'm 750 hours deep and I'm just now hearing something about logging xcountry when flying from one airport to another, point to point. Previously I have only logged xcountry time when the airport in question is more than 50nm from my departure. I regularly fly to one airport that is 15-20nm and others that are just short of 50nm straight line distance. I have heard that the airport only needs to be greater than 50nm when pertaining to the requirements for qualifying for a rating? Does this mean I can log xcountry time otherwise when flying from one airport to another, point to point, regardless of distance? I only want to put it in my logbook if I can justify it if asked. Anyone know about this? What do you guys do or have heard about this? TIA
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