A.8 and A.11 endorsement
Asked by: Ben Nemcek 1488 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
If I want a student to be able to solo repeatedly to an airport 20NM away, does A.8 endorsement allow that or is A.8 a one time authorization? In that case do I need to provide the A.11 endorsement? Please leave references.
A.8 Solo takeoffs and landings at another airport within 25 nautical miles (NM):
§ 61.93(b)(1).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of
§ 61.93(b)(1). I have determined that [he or she] is proficient to practice solo takeoffs and landings at [airport name]. The takeoffs and landings at [airport name] are subject to the following conditions: [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
A.11 Repeated solo cross-country flights not more than 50 NM from the point of
departure: § 61.93(b)(2).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training in both
directions between and at both [airport names]. I have determined that [he or she] is
proficient of § 61.93(b)(2) to conduct repeated solo cross-country flights over that route, subject to the following conditions: [List any applicable conditions or limitations.]
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