Prior Permission Required – Can I still use a VFR flight plan?
Asked by: snu164 1464 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation
I am flying into Henderson Executive this weekend (KHND). There's a NOTAM stating Prior Permission is Required. Presumably they are anticipating extra traffic due to the Superbowl. I spoke to the FBO and received a PPR number as well as a "time slot" for when I am authorized to arrive. The FBO employee told me I need to put the PPR number in the remarks section of my flight plan. As I understand it, if I put this number in a VFR flight plan, air traffic controllers will never see it.
Does this mean I need to file an IFR fight plan? I'm rated and current, but I would prefer flying VFR as the IFR routes add a significant amount of time to the flight.
Can I file a VFR flight plan (with the PPR in remarks) and just pick up flight following when I get near Las Vegas Center and still satisfy the NOTAM?
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