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Prior Permission Required – Can I still use a VFR flight plan?

Asked by: 1464 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation

I am flying into Henderson Executive this weekend (KHND). There's a NOTAM stating Prior Permission is Required. Presumably they are anticipating extra traffic due to the Superbowl. I spoke to the FBO and received a PPR number as well as a "time slot" for when I am authorized to arrive. The FBO employee told me I need to put the PPR number in the remarks section of my flight plan. As I understand it, if I put this number in a VFR flight plan, air traffic controllers will never see it.

Does this mean I need to file an IFR fight plan? I'm rated and current, but I would prefer flying VFR as the IFR routes add a significant amount of time to the flight.

Can I file a VFR flight plan (with the PPR in remarks) and just pick up flight following when I get near Las Vegas Center and still satisfy the NOTAM?

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1 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Feb 09, 2023

    This is what the NOTAM now says, see the VFR clarification:

    Ramp Reservation Program

    Due to the high volume of air traffic anticipated during the 2023 Super Bowl LVII activities, a ramp reservation program is required for arrivals and departures, including drop-and-goes, to and from airports in the Phoenix metropolitan area, between Thursday, February 9, 2023 and Monday, February 13, 2023. Also, for the close proximity, we are adding Las Vegas, NV area airports to the ramp reservation program. The following flights are exempt from this reservation program: regularly scheduled air carriers and air taxi operations, including flights operating under Title 14, Chapter II, Subchapter D, Part 380, which covers Essential Air Service under the Small Community Air Service Development Program (SCASDP).

    Participating airports include – Phoenix Sky Harbor (KPHX), Scottsdale (KSDL), Phoenix Deer Valley (KDVT), Glendale (KGEU), Goodyear (KGYR), Chandler (KCHD), Falcon Field (KFFZ), and Williams Gateway (KIWA). Harry Reid International (KLAS), North Las Vegas (VGT), Henderson (HND).

    For arrival and departure ramp reservations, contact your preferred FBO at that airport. In the absence of an FBO, contact the Airport Authority.

    Traffic in the area will be greatly increased. Operators without reservations should expect significant delays in and out of the area.

    VFR PILOT CLARIFICATION: The Super Bowl LVII reservation system will not apply to VFR air traffic. However, an airport may have more stringent requirements for itinerants, due to constrained ramp space and resources. Be advised, VFR services will be limited or unavailable within the P50 terminal airspace. Please contact the FBO or Airport Authority where you are based, and at those locations where you intend to arrive/depart.

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