Counting Military SIM time towards total time, ATP
Asked by: Deckard 3502 views FAA Regulations
I've acquired a significant amount of SIM time in the Army, both in helicopters and airplanes. They were all full motion, and performed between 1989 and 1996. All were located at Ft Rucker, and I believe the helicopter flight SIMs belonged to the Army, but the U-21 SIM (FWMEQC) belonged to Flight Safety International, since they were the contractors at that time.
Most of the SIM time in helicopters was part of the Initial Entry Rotary Wing Course, while some was not. All of the fixed wing SIM time was acquired during the FWMEQC.
My questions are:
1) Does this Army SIM time count towards total flight time?
2) Since up to 100 hours in a SIM can count towards an ATP, does this time qualify?
3) Regarding question 2, does all of the 100 hour SIM time have to be in a airplane, or can the helicopter SIM count?
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