DPE never signed my Private or CFII ride
Asked by: user123 1980 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot
Hello everyone,
I was going through my logbook and noticed that my DPE never signed my Private check ride logbook entry. Later on in my logbook I noticed that the DPE who did my CFI-I check ride never signed my logbook entry either. These were two different DPE’s. If two different DPE’s did the same thing by not signing, I assume this is okay? The weird part is the DPE’s who did my Instrument, Commercial, CFI, and Multiengine check rides DID sign my logbook entries. Is the a preference thing? Is it required for them to sign it? The DPE who did my Private Check ride passed away a few years ago, so obviously I wouldn’t be able to contact him anyways and get him to sign it now.
The main reason I ask is because I have a logbook review with an airline coming up and I wanted to make sure I’m in the clear. I obviously have the permanent hard copy certificates that shows I am certified and did pass that check ride.
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