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11 Answers

CFI food chain

Asked by: 2251 views Flight Instructor

An issue has come up that is cause for some concern so I hope I can get some answers before proceeding further.

A CFI/pilot gives another CFI/pilot a bi-annual. The check out required of all pilots every two years is what I'm getting at, here.

Turns out the first CFI's own bi-annual was out of date.

Does it follow that the second CFI/pilot is also now out of date and all instruction given to other students after the bi-annual expired is null and void?

How far out does this affect others who had nothing to do with the first CFI's screw up?





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11 Answers

  1. KDS on Jun 08, 2022

    The biennial only restricts the person from acting as PIC. A person with a current CFI can still instruct without acting as PIC.

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  2. stillkicking on Jun 09, 2022

    If this CFI was instructing “dual” with a student with solo privileges in the right seat… who was the PIC?

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  3. stillkicking on Jun 09, 2022

    correction, the student was in the left seat and to further clarity was getting the last remaining hours needed to take the check ride (2 hours 60 days prior to check ride)

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  4. KDS on Jun 09, 2022

    I am confused. Does the situation involve two CFI’s, or a student pilot (the holder of a student pilot certificate and no higher level certificate) and a CFI?

    Also, seat location makes no difference.

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  5. stillkicking on Jun 10, 2022

    Two CFI’s and the students/certificate holders of the second CFI.

    Basically, you can look at this as “the sins of the grandfather”.

    Does the honest mistake of the first CIF now translate to the revoking of hours earned and licenses granted to those of the second CFI.

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  6. stillkicking on Jun 10, 2022

    Correction to clarify:

    Does the honest mistake of the first CIF now translate to the revoking of hours earned and licenses granted to those students and/or certificate holders trained by the second CFI.

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  7. KDS on Jun 12, 2022

    I think you are describing a situation where you believe a CFI’s flight review was not valid. However, if it was given by a CFI whose flight instructor certificate was valid at the time, it was a valid flight review.

    Regardless, I’ll try to address the second part of your question. The answer is “it depends” and nobody knows until it happens. Each case is viewed on its own details. I’ll mention a couple related examples.

    I have seen cases where the FAA requires everyone who has been tested by a DPE to be retested. The notice would not state the reason for the retesting. I’ve also seen cases where the FAA takes more of an attitude that it is too complex to solve. In one instance around 1985, the FAA, with the help of the FBI, determined that a school for mechanics was doing fraudulent testing for mechanic certificates. As I recall, there had been something like 3,000 students who had received their mechanic certificate through that process. So, the FAA did a sampling of people who had obtained their certificate from that school and found some percent of them would fail an actual test. Then they tested mechanics who had received their certificates elsewhere and found similar results. With that, they decided not to pursue the matter further except to deal with the school.

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  8. stillkicking on Jun 12, 2022

    So even though the first CFI was operating with an expired flight review he can still give others a flight review that is valid?

    If so, is the instruction the second CFI gives as a PIC also still valid?

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  9. stillkicking on Jun 12, 2022

    …is this because the second CFI is acting as PIC for his flight review?

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  10. Russ Roslewski on Jun 12, 2022

    Yes. A CFI does not need a current flight review to give a flight review, as long as the flight reviewee is eligible to act as PIC (their own flight review hasn’t expired yet).

    If the flight reviewee cannot act as PIC because of an expired flight review, then the CFI would need to have their own current flight review. Someone has to be able to act as PIC.

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  11. KDS on Jun 12, 2022

    What Russ wrote.

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