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2 Answers

Do all localizers have a backcourse?

Asked by: 1642 views Instrument Rating

Do all localizers emit radials in both directions or do certain types have a backcourse? If only certain ones do, how can you determine if it has a backcourse?

2 Answers

  1. Bryan on May 10, 2022

    They all emit signals…but they may or may not be usable. If there isn’t an approach plate written for it, a pilot would not be well advised to rely on it in any way.

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  2. Russ Roslewski on May 10, 2022

    As Bryan says, all antennas of all types have some radiation in other directions than the primary. This is what causes the back course on a localizer. So yes, all localizers “have” a back course. Whether it’s useful or not is a different story. A localizer back course has a lot higher chance of interference, since between the plane on approach and the antenna is usually a fence, a road, trees, etc. On the front course, of course, the antenna points down a nice clear runway.

    The only way for you to be guaranteed that there’s a usable back course is to fly an actual charted LOC BC approach. Then you know it’s been flight checked and certified for use.

    If you’re just looking to do some practice on one and don’t care too much if it’s reliable or not, then any ILS might be usable for that purpose. But no guarantees.

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