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6 Answers

DPE discussing politics in checkride?

Asked by: 1821 views General Aviation

Recently had a checkride where just as we were getting ready to taxi the DPE started expressing to me his strong opinions along the lines of "the democrats can't be trusted with the national security or anything really". It so happens that I don't share these opinions, to put it mildly, and it was quite disturbing to me especially in this particular timing... How appropriate is it for a DPE to do this?

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6 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Apr 24, 2022

    Sounds extremely appropriate, if it distracted you. That’s one of the things a DPE is required to evaluate you on, your ability to handle distractions.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Apr 24, 2022

    As you were getting ready to taxi, did you advise him to be quiet, so as to allow you to concentrate on the task at hand (and that you could continue the discussion after the test was concluded)?

    While the examiners should assess the applicant\’s ability to deal with distractions, they are representatives of the FAA and serve at the pleasure of the Administrator. There are some things that would be deemed inappropriate distractions, such as racist remarks, misogynistic remarks, disparaging religious remarks, etc. Political statements would also fall into this category. The DPE is in a position of power over the applicant and a rebuttal of a position taken by the DPE could be used as grounds to challenge an unsatisfactory outcome.

    Call the FSDO that has oversight of the DPE and discuss it with the DPE\’s Principal Operations Inspector. Many times, the inspectors call applicants to ask them about their impressions of the test. They can have a counseling session with him to address proper ways to introduce distractions during the test.

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  3. Bryan on Apr 25, 2022

    I had the same thing happen on my instrument checkride during the ground portion. We were going through my hypothetical flight and had just dodged a huge storm by passing into a MOA. Once clear of IMC, I look out my window and see a fighter jet to my left–what do I do. I talked through the intercept procedures. Then the DPE spent a couple of minutes talking about how security issues are going to get so much worse with democrats in power and he even said, “that’s what your vote did.”

    I ignored it and he moved on. We had never discussed politics in any way so I think he was just fishing a bit for a response with the vote comment–which is why I stayed quiet. I never reported it to anyone, but I agree with Kris’ that reporting it to the FSDO is probably a good idea.

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  4. Skycatcher06 on Apr 25, 2022

    Hi I am not a CFI but I am going to try giving some advice. If someone is distracting you and you can’t preform normal task just ignore and if they want you to reply just say sorry I was trying to focus on the flying part of the check ride. When I got my sporty pilot license we had to do a check ride aswell. My instructor was talking about football and I just ignored him and apologized after not for replying to everything he asked. Like, “who do you think is going to win Saturday?” I just ignored those questions.

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  5. KDS on Apr 25, 2022

    You think that was bad, just wait for the day you are flying a crewed aircraft on a multi-day trips. That is when you really learn to get along with everyone regardless of their personality or their political convictions, religious beliefs, family problems, or anything else they feel the need to share with you the whole time.

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  6. losbright1 on Apr 27, 2022

    Would you have considered reporting him/her if you had agreed with their political views? I agree that it was not appropriate, just wondering if you were more turned off because you are in the “other camp”. People get too bent out of shape these days about stuff. I just smile and laugh and continue on about my day. If I felt that I was being unduly judged by him/her based on that difference of opinion then I may consider lodging the complaint.

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