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Your maximum

Asked by: 1469 views
General Aviation, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot

Hi been a bit since I posted so update. I took my skycatcher to BNA a little bit ago and had a blast doing performance test. I set my Max statistics for my skycatcher by testing altitudes, airspeed, decent rate, and climb rate. What I found is I will have my Max altitude set as 10,000ft. Never took my skycatcher above 9,000 before this trip. Now I took it to 10,000 and that's the most I felt good with. I also got it to max speed at 118knots and I don't think it will get faster at cruise altitude without descending and as a holder of a sports pilots license I can't exceed 120kts so I was going to have to slow down if it could go above 118 so 118 was fine. I also dropped speed to 70 kts. and got ready for a long final and got cleared down and landed after a max decent of 3,000 ft per minute. Then I landed fine parked for the day and flew home next day with a climb to 8,000 feet (my cruise altitude) made the climb at 2,200 ft per minute which was awesome. I got it to 118 knots then rode it up at 2,200ft until I got to 6,000 ft and finished the climb at 1,800 ft per minute. What plane do you fly and what is its max performance?

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2 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Apr 12, 2022

    Interesting question but I’m not sure of its relevance. We have people here who are flying airplanes with true airspeeds well over 200 KTS.

    What makes you think you can’t fly over 120 in a descent. There is no sport pilot speed limit other than your LSA aircraft speed limitation. The regulatory LSA limit is “A maximum airspeed in level flight with maximum continuous power (VH) of not more than 120 knots CAS under standard atmospheric conditions at sea level.” Many have higher Vne and that’s your real limit.

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  2. Bryan on Apr 12, 2022

    Skycatcher, you’ve made several posts on here that seem more like general conversation topics for all pilots rather than specific directed questions a flight instructor might be able to answer. Like this post, you share your experience and then invite others to share their experiences. You even made one post encouraging a meet up.

    You might get a better response to a post like this in a general pilot’s forum where the purpose of the website is more suited to pilot socialization than getting answers to specific questions for flight instructors.

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