Ground Instructor without CFI, Can I do a FIRC to meet 61.217(c)
Asked by: FutureCFIS 1779 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation
I'm thinking about getting my AGI in prep for CFI and since I still need to build hours. Without any flight instructor certificate today, if I were to go get my AGI, would I be able to take a flight instructor refresher course and be able to use my AGI privileges?
From how I'm reading the reg, there's no restriction for a first time AGI to have to meet the requirements of a, b, or d and they can just do a course. Are there any gotcha's with a first time AGI doing an FIRC to meet this currency requirement?
Ref: 61.217(c):
The holder of a ground instructor certificate may not perform the duties of a ground instructor unless the person can show that one of the following occurred during the preceding 12 calendar months:
(a) Employment or activity as a ground instructor giving pilot, flight instructor, or ground instructor training;
(b) Employment or activity as a flight instructor giving pilot, flight instructor, or ground instructor ground or flight training;
(c) Completion of an approved flight instructor refresher course and receipt of a graduation certificate for that course; or
(d) An endorsement from an authorized instructor certifying that the person has demonstrated knowledge in the subject areas prescribed under § 61.213(a)(3) and (a)(4), as appropriate.
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