Flying to pick up my son for a weekend
Asked by: LilRyRy 1981 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot
Hello, I am an instrument rated Private pilot currently wrapping up commercial. My question is regarding the legality of a flight I am planning.
Scenario: I am a father living across state lines from my son's mother (we are divorced). I would like to rent a plane from my school (part 141), fly to pick him up, and fly back. I would also like to split the cost of the rental + fuel with my son's mother. I understand that as long as the PIC pays the pro rata share of the expenses, it's legal. However, this is normally applied to persons IN the plane. In this case I would be providing transportation for my son while receiving funds from his mother who isn't on board. Granted, I still plan to pay the pro rate share in this case. Another consideration is the common purpose aspect. Which in this case, the purpose is for court ordered visitation, so I believe that would be considered common purpose.
I think everything is legal as I have it planned. I just want to verify that my interpretation of the FARs is accurate. If you have any suggestions or differing viewpoints I would love to hear them.
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