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2 Answers

Multi Engine Rating in a turbo prop

Asked by: 1921 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

Is it possible to earn your multi rating in a turbo prop?

2 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Jan 07, 2022


    There is nothing in the regulations prohibiting it. You could do your multiengine in a jet if you wanted. But the devil is in the details, as always.

    You do need to find someone willing to do that training, an examiner qualified to give the checkride, and then there’s the expense and wear and tear on the airplane. There’s a reason that the popular multiengine trainers are so popular – they take a lot of abuse and are comparatively cheap to operate and maintain.

    A Part 142 simulator school would be another possible option, depending on the model.

    Insurance would be hard to find, and if so, extremely expensive, but that wasn’t your question.

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  2. awair on Jan 10, 2022

    To expand on Russ’s answer, the MEL can actually be completed without an aircraft!

    However, there are a number of conditions.

    Some type ratings can be completed with ZFT (Zero Flight Time), subject to the experience of the candidate. The key is to find a school (Part 142) with the appropriate simulator, and check what courses and examiner approval is available.

    I was offered by several schools, the choice of only Private or ATP level only, when Commercial would have been better/cheaper (no need for ATP-CTP).

    To give an example: my initial airplane certificate was issued as MEL on the basis of the jet type rating.

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