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6 Answers

can i land where i want on the runway?

Asked by: 1328 views General Aviation

Cessna 172 on a 10,ooo foot runway (controlled field) after cleared to land, Can I land extra long without permission or are they expecting you to land on or near the touch down zone? 

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6 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Nov 15, 2021

    Technically the whole runway is yours but they are expecting “normality” and it takes all of five seconds to request a long landing. They sometimes even appreciate it. Heck, at some, Tower might even ask you to land long.

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  2. Russ Roslewski on Nov 15, 2021

    I used to fly a 172 and Arrow out of a 10,000 ft runway where the parking area was all the way at the far end. I would routinely land long. While it may not be required to notify tower, it is definitely the considerate thing to do. Especially since if you think about it from the controller’s point of view, here’s this airplane that is over a mile down the runway and hasn’t landed yet – do they require assistance? Should I get ready to call the fire department?

    So please just ask for a “long landing”. If your setup is anything like mine, tower will be very used to it.

    Sometimes I did make it a kind of sport, coming in like normal, flaring, and bumping the power up a little to see if I could float inches off the ground for 5000-7000 feet. Made for a good exercise.

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  3. bobsmith on Nov 16, 2021

    OK… reason I asked every once and awhile the tower will say something like “Permission to land long” Humm, didnt know i needed permission. I could see where they might get upset. If i land long it limits where i can exit. If by small chance they were letting another airplane to take off from that end.. ( no/light winds)

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  4. Mark Kolber on Nov 16, 2021

    Nah. I’ve heard the instruction many times. Most of the time it’s because if you land short there are aircraft taxiing to the runway and if you land “normally” they will tell you to taxi a long way before turning off or, if turn off early, you will need to wait before you taxi to let them by.

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  5. Warren Webb Jr on Dec 26, 2021

    If you haven’t coordinated with the tower it could result in the aircraft sequenced behind you (which could be a jet/airliner) in having to go around.

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  6. KDS on Dec 28, 2021

    You might request a tower visit and ask that very question of them.

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