Simplest Manner of Completing Both Night & Day 100 NM Dual XC CPL Requirement in one Single Excursion
Asked by: PedroThePilot 2011 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
I’m seeking an optimal way to fulfill the Commercial requirement for completing both a day as well as night 100NM Dual XC trip.
What is the cleanest, simplest, most non-controversial way for a Private Pilot to plan a SINGLE flight excursion that can fulfill both the Day and the Night VFR Dual 100 NM XC Dual requirement ?
Assume Airport AAA is 110 NM distant from Airport BBB. Assume I fly 110 NM from AAA to BBB with my CFI under daylight conditions. We have dinner at the BBB Airport Restaurant. The sun has now set and it is night, and way beyond even Civil Twilight. I hop back into the plane with my CFI and now, under night conditions, complete another Dual XC from BBB back to AAA, the airport of origin.
Would this allow me to properly fulfill both Day & Night VFR Dual >100 NM XC requirements for the Commercial certificate in a single excursion ? Any “gotchyas” to look out for ?
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