CFI-S: Do I need an endorsement for FOI exam?
Asked by: FutureCFIS 2120 views Flight Instructor
I'm a sport pilot who's looking to become a CFI-S. I bought the Gleim package for ground school but no FOI endorsement is provided.
I'm confused about 61.405(a). It says:
(a) Knowledge test. Before you take a knowledge test, you must receive a logbook endorsement certifying you are prepared for the test from an authorized instructor who trained you or evaluated your home-study course on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in § 61.407. You must pass knowledge tests on -
(1) The fundamentals of instructing listed in § 61.407(a), unless you meet the requirements of § 61.407(c); and
(2) The aeronautical knowledge areas for a sport pilot certificate applicable to the aircraft category and class for which flight instructor privileges are sought.
How I'm reading that is that you need to have 2 separate endorsements for each exam. But everyone I'm talking to note that the FOI exam require no endorsements. So I'm confused if I need one or not?
If i do, can i complete the ground school, then do a review with my instructor on the content, then have them sign me off?
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