Is PPL a prerequisite in order to get credit towards Commercial for a 100nm Dual XC ( day or Night )
Asked by: PedroThePilot 1657 views Commercial Pilot, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
One has to complete a dual XC of 100nm as part of the dual training requirements for the Commercial Certificate. One of the dual XCs has to be daytime, and a second night time.
A person who has earned a Sport Pilot or Recreational Pilot Certificate, is a "certificated pilot". If this person has aspirations of pursuing not just a PPL, but a Commercial certificate as well, could a 100nm dual be credited towards a future Commercial even though the person is just rated as a sport or recreational pilot?
In other words, could dual instruction on a 100nm+ XC be used for fulfilling not only some of the PPL requirements, but say the Commercial as well.
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