Commercial Pilot Cross-Country Double-Dip
Asked by: AviatorTrevor88 3885 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
I'm a CFII with a Commercial Student who wants to "double-dip" on the commercial cross-country requirements by doing 1 long cross-country that covers both 61.129(a)(4)(i) and the two dual-cross countries in 61.129(a)(3)(ii) & (iii).
Historically, the long cross-country in 61.129(a)(4)(i) was a solo cross-country, but that changed to allow an instructor to be onboard (I believe due to multi-engine flight schools being unable to obtain insurance to let students solo multi-engine aircraft). I've read elsewhere on the internet that you can't double-dip because 61.129(a)(3) says those requirements have to do with "instruction" whereas 61.129(a)(4)(i) potentially has an instructor onboard who isn't "instructing".
Which leads to a second question regarding 61.129(a)(4)(i), which is how is the student supposed to log that flight if an instructor is onboard? Do we say it's solo time? Or Dual-received?
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