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DPE Knowledge test review

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FAA Regulations

I have seen and heard of a requirement that "during the practical test, the evaluator will re-test the subject areas you missed on the knowledge test."  I realize that your instructor must endorse you for being proficient is those areas missed. My question is, is this an actual requirement for say a Helicopter CFI practical, and if so what is the reference? I can't find it.

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2 Answers

  1. KDS on Jun 30, 2021

    It is not a hard and fast rule, but it is something that the FAA suggests to examiners and it is pretty much common sense for examiners. Remembering that they are charged with the responsibility of being the final determination if an applicant can operate safely, it only makes sense that they would use that to find an area for extra emphasis during the evaluation.

    I would use the analogy of a dental examination. You know the routine where the dentist is going along clicking on each tooth and then suddenly stops and starts looking at one in more detail. When someone presents a knowledge test result that shows half of the missed questions were in the area of weather, it is only prudent of the examiner to as a few extra weather questions.

    It wasn’t part of your question, but I just want to add this. The examiner is on your side. They really hope that you pass, but more than that, they do not want to turn you loose to hurt yourself or get in trouble. Unfortunately, many instructors do not present the practical test (check ride) in that light.

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  2. Jeff Baum on Jul 02, 2021

    Appendix 3 of the ACS…

    “When taking the practical test, the applicant must present the original AKTR to the evaluator, who is required to assess the noted areas of deficiency during the ground portion of the practical test.”

    Appendix 5 of the ACS…

    “ The required minimum elements to include in the POA, unless otherwise noted, from each applicable Task are as follows:
    • at least one knowledge element;
    • at least one risk management element;
    • all skill elements; and
    • any Task elements in which the applicant was shown to be deficient on the knowledge test.”

    The ‘note’ allows me to use the missed knowledge or risk management element for the required element. I have to include it but I don’t have to add it to my Plan of Action. If I need to test one knowledge element for that Task, asking about the missed area satisfies that requirement.

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