What Hydraulics are found on a Cessna 150 or 172 – What answer to give the DPE on Checkride?
Asked by: PedroThePilot 6918 views Aircraft Systems, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
So on a Cessna 150/172 and the like, the brakes work via hydraulic principles, and pushing the brake pedal, much like in a car, forces the brake fluid through a tube to the brakes next to the wheel, and braking occurs. Wonderful.
So if a check ride question come up asking what are the hydraulic systems on a 150, is there anything besides the brakes that should be mentioned? Would the wheel shimmy dampening cylinder be considered a hydraulic system? How about the oleo struts on the nose wheel? When priming the engine with several squirts of fluid, does that employ hydraulic principles and therefore should it be mentioned as well?
Just trying to cover all the bases here. There are some local DPEs who are real sticklers. As a local wag recently told me... "if you want a 4 hour oral on the private check ride, I've got your man. "
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