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2 Answers

Holding Pattern Radial

Asked by: 1898 views Instrument Rating

The ODP for KTEX is ', climb to 12000 on heading 276° and the ETL R-096 to ETL VOR/DME. For aircraft departing V-382 southeast bound, continue climb-in-hold to 14200'.  

Is one to assume the hold is right turns, one minute, inbound heading 276?  If you were to look at KTEX LOC Rwy 9 approach plates you can see that the hold there is left turns, one minute, inbound 095. 

The question therefore is: which hold is the 'climb in hold' referring to?


2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Feb 05, 2021

    One would not be expected to review all the charts other than the Low Altitude Enroute chart and a Sectional when following the ODP, sans any specific holding instructions, a standard holding pattern is assumed with RH turns, on course. The course to the VOR is specified as 276 degrees and the 096 radial.

    The hold depicted on the LOC RWY 9 chart is an arrival hold intended to be available on request by the pilot if they wish to descend to 12000 prior to initiating the approach. ATC approval is required to fly the arrival hold. It is also charted as being on the 275 radial and not on the 096 radial called for on the ODP. The Missed approach procedure requires a higher altitude of 13500 and uses the ETL R-104 radial. Note that this hold is also not charted on the procedure.

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  2. Gary Y on Feb 05, 2021

    Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.

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