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4 Answers

Logging ground instruction time for students

Asked by: 2606 views FAA Regulations

Hi, I'm a pretty new CFI and I'm trying to figure out the best way to enter ground instruction time in a student's logbook. I know it's legally required, I'm just wondering how others do it. If I was ever lucky enough to get my logbook signed it was placed in the last pages of the logbook. I know you can log it along with the flights, but it seems disorganized to do that. Any ideas?

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4 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Feb 03, 2021

    The logging of ground time in the logbook is only to be provably, legally correct. it doesn’t have to be “useful” necessarily. What I mean by that is while I will put ground training in the student’s logbook, it’s just to “check a box”. I will keep my own, more detailed records of what we did, how well the student performed, problem areas, what to work on next time, etc.

    With that said, there are basically three ways I’ll do, depending on their logbook.

    If the normal pages have a “Ground Training” column, I’ll put in 1.0 or whatever, then in the remarks put what we did.

    If there are separate “Ground Training” pages, usually in the back, I’ll use those.

    If there is neither, then there will usually be either a blank page in the back, or a “notes” page in the back that I can make into a Ground Training log.

    Any of the above should be acceptable to any DPE.

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  2. KDS on Feb 04, 2021

    I went into MS Word and created my own form that uses the exact words from the regulation. Then when we cover that subject adequately, the student and I both sign that block.

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  3. PedroThePilot on Feb 13, 2021

    @ KDS

    You wrote: ” and created my own form that uses the exact words from the regulation ”

    So I have gone through my ASA ACS info and other materials, endorsement materials, etc.

    I’m not quite certain what you are describing.

    Would you terribly mind giving me a bit more specific info re which ” exact words from the regulation ” you are referring to.

    My past instructors have either not bothered to put in any logbook entry, or simply put .5 hours. That’s it. All I can recall is that it cost $40 for that half hour.

    That’s probably of no help to a DPE.

    Thanks .

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  4. jlloyd1995 on Feb 20, 2021

    Thank you guys for the replies. I really appreciate the help!

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