Student’s First Solo Flight (“Take her up for 3 touch and go’s!”) – Endorsement?
Asked by: Ryan Asmus 1720 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I'm studying for my CFI. Back in 1984 when I soloed (yup, 1984), my instructor got out of the Beechcraft Skipper and told me to take the plane around the pattern for a few touch and go's. This was my first solo. 14 CFR 61.87(n) says a student must have an endorsement for solo flight. Does this scenario of the CFI getting out of the plane after having flown with a student and sending them up for their first solo ever occur anymore since how can the CFI get the endorsement done before the student takes off on his own (unless he grabs the logbook right then and there and does the endorsement, although that would seem to kill the fun and excitement of the moment). Thanks for your thoughts and comments.
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