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2 Answers

Approach plate note – radials 240 CW 346 – what does CW stand for

Asked by: 5650 views Instrument Rating

On some approach plates you will see Procedure NA on VOR radials 240 CW 346 (for example). What does this mean? It is specifically on the LOC BC RWY 28 plate for KCGI.

2 Answers

  1. Max Trescott, Aviation News Talk podcast host on Dec 24, 2020

    CW means Clockwise. So in this case, it means you cannot fly the approach starting at the IAF at CNG if you’re arriving at CNG from an airway that’s between the 240 through the 346 degree radial, probably because it would require a sharp turn to turn inbound. So you can’t fly the approach if you arrived at CNG from V305, the 240 degree radial, V540, the 303 degree radial, or V67, the 346 degree radial.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Dec 27, 2020

    Max is absolutely right. There’s a TERPS-based limitation for a turn on this segment of the approach. A maximum 120 degrees for conventional navaids and 90 degrees for RNAV (I’ve read the difference is due to RNAV turn anticipation; that the protected area is historically based on flying over the waypoint before turning.)

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