CFI Initial Endorsements A.41 and A.42
Asked by: Pilot Right 3519 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Ok, so another CFI Initial Endorsement question. If its been hit on before, I apologize. I tried to look but didn't see or find the answer I was hoping for :/
It's been over 10 years since I've done any CFI Initial training. I feel like the AC 61-65 has changed, because there's stuff on here that I don't necessarily remember. Could just be my bad memory too!
So for the CFI Initial Practical Test (check ride) I get you need the following:
A.1 - any practical test endorsement - 61.39(a)(6)(i) and (ii)
A.2 - if they missed anything on the written(s) - 61.39(a)(6)(iii)
A.43 - CFI ground AND flight proficiency 61.183(g) (as well as 61.187(b))
A.45 - Spin Training - 61.183(i)(1)
The confusing part is now
A.41 - FOI - 61.183(d)
I understand that you do NOT need a endorsement to take the actual test. That's all part of the written text matrix and I know at our PSI testing center you do not need one for either CFI written. (FOI / FIA).
Also, the regs 61.183(d) states you need an endorsement for FOI stuff, and just that is is APPROPRIATE to the required knowledge test. Still kind of confusing but ok.
My question on this one is WHY does the AC 61-65(H) have the endorsement actually say "......I have determined [he or she] is prepared for the Fundamentals of Instruction knowledge test." WHY?! haha. Are people putting this whole endorsement in the applicants logbook? What I've read and seen people are just leaving that part off. But its in the AC which is published by the FAA. so I'm kind stuck whether or not to include it. I guess that's just me being picky.
The other question then is endorsement A.42
What in the world is this one??
A.42 Flight instructor aeronautical knowledge test: § 61.183(f).
I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received the required training of § 61.185(a)[(2) or (3) (as appropriate to the flight instructor rating sought)]. I have determined that [he or she] is prepared for the [name of] knowledge test.
Does anybody have any insight on this? First, no endorsement is required to take the FOI or FIA. Second, the reg it references to 61.183(f) says NOTHING about an endorsement. It states:
"Pass a knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in § 61.185(a)(2) and (a)(3) of this part that are appropriate to the flight instructor rating sought;"
So who, what, where, when? Why is this endorsement in the AC? Are CFI Initial applicants receiving this endorsement? Are any DPE's or FSDO folks requiring it?
Hopefully somebody can shed some light on this.
Again, sorry if its already been discussed, but feel free to discuss again!
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