GTN 650 “LPV” approach mode in yellow
Asked by: AviatorTrevor88 3317 views Instrument Rating
I have a pilot friend who took his instrument checkride recently, and he was setting up to fly an LPV approach when a few miles from the FAF the examiner went into the GTN650's menus and disabled WAAS.
The mode annunciator showed "LPV" like it normally would as you approach the FAF, but the color of the text was yellow. I'm not sure if WAAS was disabled before or after the integrity check was done (which is performed 60 seconds prior to reaching the FAF).
I looked through the Garmin GTN 650 manual and could not find an answer to why the text was yellow and what that means. The manual mentions either the possibility of the approach being downgraded to LNAV or a message appearing essentially saying to abort the approach since GPS integrity is so bad it can't even meet the LNAV requirements.
On the checkride, my pilot friend simply went "missed" early and that was acceptable to the DPE, but he didn't notice any messages appear and doesn't know why the text color was yellow for the LPV approach mode. We assume it has something to do with loss of integrity or the DPE disabling WAAS.
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