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6 Answers

Amend IFR Flight Plan

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General Aviation

If on an IFR clearance to KBDH ILS 13 direct to BDH VOR but wanted to amend flight plan to intercept BDH 126010, would the correct phraseology be:  Request Route Change Direct To BDH, To Read Intercept BDH VOR 126010, Rest of Route Unchanged?

Thank you.


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6 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Nov 09, 2020

    I don’t understand your route to begin with. What does “cleared to KBDH ILS 13 direct to BDH VOR” mean? One is not cleared to the KBDS ILS13, one may be cleared for the ILS RWY 13 Approach, KBDH.

    As far as requesting a different route, as long as you are clear on the route, just request it. The route terminology you are using “Intercept BDH VOR 126010” is ambiguous, do you mean to fly direct to BDH126010 or do you mean to intercept the BDH 126 radial and track it to 10 DME?

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  2. Russ Roslewski on Nov 10, 2020

    I have the same questions as John as far as what you mean, and what you are trying to accomplish.

    The BDH R-126 does not make up any part of the ILS RWY 13 approach, so I’m not sure why you want to navigate to it.

    But, don’t worry about the wording, just tell ATC what you want. “I’d like to intercept the BDH 126 radial” or “Request direct to the BDH 126 radial at 10 DME”.

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  3. Ray Svobodny on Nov 10, 2020

    John & Russ,

    Thank you for your responses. Apologies for a confusing question. Hopefully, better stated, during an IFR flight plan KOVL > KBDH & a request for the ILS 13 approach, direct BDH, I would like to simulate an ATC flight plan amendment by intercepting BDH126010 then inbound for the PT & approach.

    I’ve never encountered an amended en route flight plan & VOR radial/distance interception & wanted to give it a go during a practice flight for better preparation. I was looking for the best request phraseology.

    Thank you.

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  4. John D Collins on Nov 10, 2020

    OK, it is still ambiguous, but I can guess what you might be asking for. Rather than flying to BDH and then the feeder leg 304 degrees to LOPOW which is the IAF where you then fly the PT and intercept the localizer on the inbound, you are asking to fly direct to BDH126010 and then fly the approach. This does not make sense to me because BDH126010 is out of your way and 10 NM to the southeast of the airport. You might have thought that BDH126010 was to the northwest of the airport and on the localizer, but if so, you are misreading the chart. The localizer course does not align with the VOR radial 126, in fact the IAF is on the BDH 304 degree radial. Localizer courses are fixed and not selectable, so the inbound course for this localizer is 126 degrees, but it only provides left/right navigational information. You may have thought that BDH126010 would be a position past LOPOW on the localizer and in the 10 mile area permitted to perform the PT, but as I indicted this is not true. If you thought that arriving at this point, you could just turn inbound or begin the approach from this point, both are not correct. If you have an RNAV system, you might navigate using RNAV to LOPOW the IAF and begin the approach from there.

    So coming from KOVL and wanting to do the approach, the best choice is to go direct to BDH and use the charted feeder route to LOPOW or just go RNAV direct to LOPOW and begin the approach from there.

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  5. Best Answer

    Mark Kolber on Nov 11, 2020

    I think the ambiguity is your use of the phrase “intercepting BDH126010”. You can “intercept” the BDH 126 radial, but “BDH126010” is a point in space. You don’t intercept a point in space, you go to it.

    So there are two possibilities here, depending what you mean, each of which is easy.

    1. “Approach, for training, I’d like direct to the BDH 126 degree radial 10 mile fix, then direct BDH for the ILS 13 full procedure.

    2. “Approach, for training, I’d to intercept the BDH 126 degree radial to BDH, then fly the ILS 13 full procedure.”

    The “for training” part is a simple heads up to ATC with the reason so they are not scratching their heads wondering at the strange request. It doesn’t have to be an instructional flight.

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  6. Ray Svobodny on Nov 11, 2020

    Thank you very much for deconfusing my confusing question. Your phraseology answer is much appreciated & will be added on my next IFR practice approach session.

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