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3 Answers


Asked by: 2129 views Airspace, FAA Regulations

To understand TERPS deeper, I am curious as if there would ever be any reason for a category C or D to be β€œNA” for reasons pertaining to approach speeds and maneuvering area related to say circling maneuvering speed/protected area from terrain.

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3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Sep 29, 2020

    Ever? There are plenty of airports like that.

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  2. John D Collins on Sep 29, 2020

    Start Studying these FAA orders:

    8260.3D Basic TERPS
    8260.58B RNP TERPS
    8260.46G DP TERPS
    8260.19I Procedures and Airspace

    All can be found by searching via google. Download them and study to become an expert.

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  3. Russ Roslewski on Sep 29, 2020

    While John does provide all the appropriate TERPS documents, man that’s some dense reading! Very hard to understand without some guidance on some basics.

    But to answer your question, as Mark says, of course there are procedure that are Cat A only. Or Cat A and B. Or A/B/C. Lots of them, just take a look around, especially at smaller airports.

    Sometimes it’s just because the higher cats aren’t seen as necessary on the approach – in other words, a 2500×40 foot runway isn’t likely to ever have Cat D aircraft land there, so maybe it’s not evaluated.

    Additionally, higher Cat aircraft, since they operate at higher speeds, require longer segment lengths for any turns in the procedure. Sometimes this can cause a problem with the design, so they are left off (again, if no Cat D traffic is expected, it’s not a problem). Another place the higher speeds can cause a problem is in a turning missed approach – a faster airplane is going to make a wider turn, so maybe that hill off the end of the runway is a problem for Cat D but not Cats A-C.

    You mentioned circling areas. In 2013, the circling area evaluation area increased dramatically for the higher Cats – for Cat D it went from 2.3 nm radius to about 3.8 nm. At a lot of airports, this brings in a lot of new terrain or obstacles, and so the Cat D MDA went up a lot. Sometimes that means that a “Circling NA for Cat D West of RWY 17-35”-type note has to published, sometimes the MDA goes up so high it’s higher than the FAF altitude and therefore Cat D circling is just made “NA” – since in most of these cases, it’s not like there’s a whole lot of Cat D circling going on anyway.

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