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3 Answers

Student Training

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Hello All,

Can I train in a turbine vs piston?

End goal is AS350 - what precludes me from purchasing my own, build hours in the aircraft and be proficient in instead of learning at a flight school, in toy like the Robinson. The Enstrom F28 was my choice to train in but I thought; why not?

I understand the insurance will be quite high for a while but, other than the cost per hour for maintenance, fuel, and CFI, I want to know if it's feasible.

Any and all advice welcome.



Hopeful student



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3 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Sep 28, 2020

    Yes, you can.

    Finding a CFI who will do it may be challenging.

    Insurance companies may not be willing to insure you, at any price.

    But if you can cross these hurdles, there is nothing in the FARs preventing it – it’s perfectly fine by the FAA.

    Whether it’s a good idea or not is a whole other discussion, but that’s not the question you asked, so I’ll leave it at that.

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  2. AV8R on Sep 28, 2020

    I’m a CFI and have gotten several requests like the one you are asking (in fixed wing).
    This is what I have seen:
    1. Insurance companies do not cover those students in advanced aircraft.
    2. Sometimes it’s just too much aircraft for the student and he/she ends up frustrated.
    3. Most CFIs will not do it due to reason #2

    The regulations do not prohibit it, you can do it. My suggestion is find a CFI have him give you a lesson in the AS350 if you do good, then by all means proceed is that helicopter. If you don’t do to good, well, downgrade to the Robinson.

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  3. HelicopterTrainingVideos.com on Mar 06, 2021

    Agree with what the others have said. I’d add one thing – if you do go piston first, I would not train in an R22. I would train in a Cabri G2 – it has a rotor direction the same as the AS350 – so same ‘power pedal’ etc. It is also much more forgiving than an R22 and has a more mellow autorotation, which is closer to the AS350 than the R22. If you do go Robinson, I would go R44 – again more mellow autorotation and hydraulic controls which might help a little with transition to AS350. Another good option, is a EC120/HC120 but the hourly rate might be close to an AS350 by then.

    Good luck & let us know how it goes.

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