ICAO CPL to FAA ATP – Total Time Clarifications
Asked by: Akshay 2370 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
Hello guys, I’m planning to convert from ICAO CPL to FAA ATP via the ATP-CTP/Type Rating route. However, I have some clarifications regarding the flight time. Please help!
I hold Total Time 1530 Hours - all Logbook Pages are Stamped & signed by Operator as certified correct
PIC - 850
SIC - 500 (SIC Logged on Single Pilot Aircraft but country of Operations requires 2 Pilots for all Part 135)
Night - 75
Dual - 100
Simulator - 80 (Fixed base and FFS Level D)
According to 61.159 (b)
Some of my Night Hours have more than 4 Take off and landings per hour hence I have more than 100 Night landings, can I add 25 hours towards ATP requirements since I have more than 20 Night landings?
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