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2 Answers

my next radio freq?

Asked by: 1353 views General Aviation

is there an app out there or  foreflight etc on me getting the next radio freq on a cross country trip. Feel lot better when flying locally, i know ahead of time my next 4 or 5 freq.

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2 Answers

  1. Max Trescott on Aug 11, 2020

    Not that I’m aware of. Also, the frequencies may vary from day to today, especially in large metro areas. For example at KSJC, NoCal Approach has separate arrival and departure frequencies, and the areas they cover get swapped whenever the wind changes and they use the opposite runway. That way, the arrival frequency is always the same, regardless of which runway you’re landing on. But it’s confusing for people flying through the area and not landing at the airport, as two different frequencies get used at different times for the same airspace.

    I used to travel regularly to Mexico, taking volunteer docs and dentists to provide free services. I had the full list of frequencies for the trip and most of them stayed the same on each trip, but there was an area in southern California where they would vary on different trips.

    If you’re flying with a modern GPS Navigator, such as a Garmin 430, GTN 650/750, or G1000, and you’re high enough or far enough away from metro areas that you’re talking to Centers, you can sometimes figure out the next Center frequency by going into the Nearest ARTCC function. Just look and see which of the frequency transmitter sites is located ahead of you, and there’s a good chance that’s you’re next frequency. We talk about these and other GA related topics each week on my Aviation News Talk podcast.

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  2. Craig on Aug 12, 2020

    You could plot your flight plan on a low enroute chart and see the ARTCC sectors (and their frequencies) through which you’ll be flying.

    You could also check the instrument approach procedures for airports along your route. There’s a box at the top that lists the ARTCC that you would contact near that airport.

    Those might give you some idea of the frequencies to which you’ll be referred for VFR flight following.

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