Who has the final say in determining airport distances?
Asked by: cyoedhana 2514 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
I need help with measuring airport distances, any my particular problem is measuring the distance between S50 and KCLS. Using a plotter, or Foreflight, the straight line distance comes to 50NM between the centers of the airport symbols. When I put the lat/long coordinates from the Chart Supplements, using FAA's distance calculator in this website: https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/gisTools/gisAction.jsp?action=showDistanceCalculationToolForm, the total distance is a bit short of 50NM (49.8). Airnav.com and Safelog give similar distances. So who is correct?
I have posted the same question to Seattle FSDO and currently waiting for a reply. Perhaps this is a question that has been answered before.
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