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KFUL VOR-A Question

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On the VOR-A approach at KFUL there is a feeder route from WILMA to SLI, and there is an initial-segment from ALBAS to SLI with the "NoPT" (No procedure turn) note.

So, question 1) am I using the right terminology when I say "feeder route" and "initial segment"?

Question 2) I fully understand the ALBAS IAF and what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to fly from ALBAS to SLI no lower than 2600 and you ignore the procedure turn and just fly the final approach segment after crossing SLI. But my best guess as to what I need to do for the WILMA feeder route is that when I reach SLI, I need to turn outbound, remain with 10NM of SLI, and fly a procedure turn. Is my understanding of the WILMA feeder route correct?

Question 3) assuming my understanding in question 2 is correct, what would the approach clearance potentially sound like outside of WILMA if the controller wanted me to fly to WILMA and then fly the procedure?

Question 4) Does the controller have the authority to instruct me to not fly a procedure turn for the WILMA feeder route?

Question 5) For the WILMA feeder route turn outbound for the procedure turn, do I anticipate the turn or wait until I fly over SLI to turn?

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2 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jun 21, 2020

    Lots of questions with answers that should be part of your training. But let’s see if we can answer them…

    am I using the right terminology when I say “feeder route” and “initial segment”?

    Yes. The non-bold line from WILMA to SLI is a “feeder.” Bold lines indicate segments of the approach itself. The ones which begin at an IAF is an “initial segment.” The latest version of the Terminal Procedures chapter of the FAA’s Chart User’s Guide has a great color chart on pages 16-17 (https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/aeronav/digital_products/aero_guide/media/editions/cug-tpp-edition.pdf)

    But my best guess as to what I need to do for the WILMA feeder route is that when I reach SLI, I need to turn outbound, remain with 10NM of SLI, and fly a procedure turn. Is my understanding of the WILMA feeder route correct?

    Yes. Although it really looks like it should be a NoPT transition it’s not. So, as the rules now stand, the Procedure Turn is required. There’s a “but” coming later.

    assuming my understanding in question 2 is correct, what would the approach clearance potentially sound like outside of WILMA if the controller wanted me to fly to WILMA and then fly the procedure?

    It could be as simple as “proceed direct WILMA. Cleared for the Fullerton VOR Alpha approach.” There’s no need to specify the procedure turn since it is a required maneuver. It’s the opposite — if they want you to go straight in — where they have to specify (the “but” is coming in the next question). From the ATC handbook:

    “If a procedure turn, hold-in-lieu of procedure turn, or arrival holding pattern is depicted and the angle of intercept is 90 degrees or less, the aircraft must be instructed to conduct a straight-in approach if ATC does not want the pilot to execute a procedure turn or hold-in-lieu of procedure turn.”

    Here comes the “but”…

    Does the controller have the authority to instruct me to not fly a procedure turn for the WILMA feeder route?

    No one knows :D. Seriously, the discussion of the rules in the AIM and in the controller handbook both contemplate an RNAV-based approach with an Initial Fix (IF) for a straight-in clearance despite a required procedure turn. Nevertheless, in this situation, I think ATC would expect one to go straight in and might even be surprised by the PT. So, applying my IFR Rule No 1 – always be on the same page as ATC – I would clarify with ATC and not make assumptions either way.

    For the WILMA feeder route turn outbound for the procedure turn, do I anticipate the turn or wait until I fly over SLI to turn?

    You may anticipate the turn if you can. If you use GPS to fly the segments, it will correctly anticipate the turn. If you are using old school VOR with a zone of confusion and no ability to know exactly where you are in relation to it, traditional SOP would be to wait for the To/From flag to flip so that what is essentially dead reckoning in the zone of confusion has sort of accurate.

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  2. John D Collins on Jun 22, 2020

    In the case of a procedure where a fix is both an IAF and a FAF, the controller has specific guidance to follow:

    c. Except for visual approaches, do not clear an aircraft direct to the FAF unless it is also an IAF, wherein the aircraft is expected to execute the depicted procedure turn or hold-in-lieu of procedure turn.

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