X-C Requirements When Adding Multi Commercial to Single Commercial
Asked by: jcturner3 2676 views Commercial Pilot
I am currently an instrument rated private pilot ASEL with a VFR-Only AMEL rating. I got my multi before my instrument rating. (With a 310 at only $85/hr wet, who wpuld pass that up?)
I am currently working to finish up my commercial ASEL and a friend has convinced me to add the commercial AMEL to put my multi rating to good use, make myself more marketable as a commercial pilot and to remove my VFR Only restriction.
In setting up the customized training curriculum for my commercial AMEL, does the cross country requirement for ASEL meet that of the AMEL? If so, all I need to do for the Part 61 requirements for the AMEL is the 5 hours of instrument, the engine out training and the commercial maneuver training. I have met the cross country requirements for ASEL. Thanks.
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